
The sword 
       of the Spirit

City on the brink

The Son of God rescues a man named Hezekiah from the clutches of death. Hezekiah is not only saved but chosen for a special mission. His assignment: Protect the city of Sodom from certain destruction. Eternal judgment looms over the metropolis, as Jesus sends His final spokesman to tell people of God’s salvation.  However, dark angels in town, seek to decimate the city and annihilate anyone who stands in their way.  Also, the people Hezekiah is sent to protect, abhor him, and wants him silenced by any means necessary.  With society against him, and the gates of Hell working diligently to take his life, can the Spirit Warrior survive the onslaught of dark forces headed his way?


Immanuel turns around and sees an old lady cooking. He looks around further and sees white tile floors, brown cabinets, tan walls, and he hears the sound of warm running water over dishes.


Why are you helping me?” Immanuel asks the old lady as she piles food on his plate. Martha sits at the table next to him and looks him in the eyes. “You remind me a lot of my grandson. One day, the city council came to my door because he was picked to be the next human sacrifice for Moloch.


From Death’s mouth, a drop of hot spit plops on Mark’s head. Death roars, knocking Mark off his feet and shaking the cell. “Jesus, if you are REAL, please save me NOW!” shouts Mark, with a strained voice.


Thank God for His gift. I’m just the messenger,” says Hezekiah. The man of God leaves, and Aerial is left with a sense of hope she had never felt before, nor could she even begin to describe it.


My Father, through the Holy Spirit, placed me inside of a virgin woman named Mary to be born into the world so I could die for all of humanity. Once I died on the cross, I paid in full for everyone’s sin in the world. Anyone who trusts me will have a perfect spirit, the Holy Spirit.


No! We will kill him now! This is the last city I need to conquer to be at Satan’s right hand! We cannot afford to play with this man. If people in this town get saved because of him, we will lose control over the people. We already have this city in our complete control! We will not let some man stop us now!


Tommy moves his face close to Mr. Pan’s and stares him in the eyes, “You’re lucky, Mr. Pan, because I was about to rip this establishment apart. Mark my words, if I find out that you helped that boy escape, I will kill you!


I love you, and I will never stop loving you! The only reason why you failed is that you walked away from me,” Jesus explains.


The sword 
       of the Spirit

In the Shadow of death

In a moonlit night over the ocean, the spirit of Death hovers miles above a disaster, keeping a tally of the dead. The fallen sun of the morning, Satan, meets with him and gives Death a special mission: kill Hezekiah. Enraged because the Spirit Warrior saved Central City from demonic invasion, Lucifer wants him dead. Leaving Death, Satan enters Heaven’s Court and asks Jesus for the life of Hezekiah. Jesus gives a vague answer. Dissatisfied, Satan asks to kill Faith Parker and for the lives of the people in Central city. Jesus grants his request. As a result, a mysterious sickness breaks out in Central City and no one knows how to stop it. As the Death angel unleashes his power over the metropolis, can Hezekiah save Central City from devastation and save Faith Parker from the shadow of Death?

The sword 
       of the Spirit

the full armor of god

While traveling, Hezekiah stops to rest, and then has a dangerous encounter with Satan. Hezekiah had been sent on a quest, through a hot and salty desert to save Central City from devastation. Impaled and blood coursing out of his body like a river, Hezekiah is left for dead. He is found by a missionary doctor, Frank, and his daughter, Faith. As the missionary team continues to care for Hezekiah, a dark secret from the spirit warrior’s past, turns Frank’s loving duty as a doctor into drudgery and Faith’s infatuation for Hezekiah into pure hate. With doom looming over the city, can Hezekiah find the full armor of God, save the city from devastation, and rekindle the passion between him and Faith?

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